Monday, November 16, 2009

sittin' on a suitcase

According to a Scientific American study, to increase my creativity I should live abroad.  Well duh.  How often do you escape drunk vikings who insist you accept their wristwatch as a birthday gift in San Francisco?  Or ride a delinquent donkey up a volcano in Upstate NY?  Have you ever woken up miles from your room facedown on an outdoor pathway painted completely blue?  (Neither have I, but I know someone who has.)  Clearly, living abroad requires more creative problem solving skills.  Although I can get away from smelly, ranting public transportation people in very acrobatic ways.

So I'm thinking, as I am 75% of the time, about itchy feet and wanderlust and a big adventure.  What should be my next destination?  And what should I do there?  Of course I'll be packing a boyfriend this time around, which means I'll actually have to take someone else's feelings into account - BORING!  (Only kidding.)  But the upside is: I don't have to go alone.  This is big news!  I won't have to wear my 35lb backpack while I squat to pee over a hole in the ground in a tile-lined soaking wet train station bathroom in Italy.  Whew.

So I'm thinking about a plan.  How much money we'd need to save, where to go, do couples need to pack two toothbrushes (eeeeeewww).  The important stuff.  Where would you go?  Would you work so you could stay longer?

PS: Watching Jane Goodall on "The Daily Show" is a revelation.  She is peace personified and her legendary patience resonates in every word she says.

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* I only dream to be as adventerous as you Shannon. And also to be able to spell the word adventurous. I'd suggest China (before they stop letting us go there) or Australia or Dubai. All high on my lists of must-visits. Well, except China, because they don't allow tall people there. Except as statues.
